Monday, January 7, 2008

The Challenge

Young people today are wasted in their young. They are in search of role models while they continuously search for their own identity and a place under the sun. The Philippines comprise a young nation. In a society that lacks role models, the youth lost hope and sense of direction as manifested by suicide, corruption, violence, manipulation, substance abuse and other impurities rooted in our culture.

We affirm the belief that the youth have a special role to play in nation building. We believed that the children and youth are our future. Without good role models and a sense of meaning, the children and the youth are wasted in their young.

1 comment:

Charisma said...

I agree in the article, as a young college student it is true that many of my co-youth today wasted there time, like having a baby at a young age, some of them do not go to school because they lack of money, or they had no interest in studying. This will not happen if they are race well by there parents. The young people must pursue what they want to achieve so that they will be role model for others, and giving hopes for the young people in the future.
Charisma Mendoza
BSN 31d
College of Nursing